Tuesday, August 21, 2012

I'm Still Loved

I received my third Liebster Award today.  This time it was from The Cozy Pink Cottage.  Thank you for the award and for liking my blog : )  I am a rebel who likes to break the rules for blog awards so the only part I'm doing is answering the questions.  I'm not making up new ones or anything.  As far as passing the award on to other deserving people, if you want one, take it.

The Questions:

1. What was the last book you read? Hideaway by Dean Koontz; It was so good, as most Dean Koontz books are.
2. If you could travel anywhere in the world money not being an issue, where would you go?  Finland; they have a huge metal (music) festival and a really cool art festival that I want to go to at some point in my life; It's on my bucket list.

3.What is the most exotic thing you have eaten? probably frog legs

4.What's your favorite drink at Starbucks? I never go to Starbucks because it costs money which I do not have, so I don't know.  If they have chai lattes, then it's that.

5.Summer/ Fall/ Winter/ Spring?  Spring or Fall; I'm not a fan of extreme temperatures.

6.What do you love most about blogging? all of the people I get to know who I would never have "met" otherwise

7.Who is your favorite artist? Painter, Photographer etc..  Wirrow

8.Three words that best describe you? creative, hard-working, quirky

9.If you could start all over in life, Would you change anything? No, because the decisions I have made have led me to be where I am now, and while I may not be in the best place in my life right now, I wouldn't change it for anything.

10.Coke or Pepsi? neither; I rarely drink soda but if I do it's root beer, cream soda, or orange soda

11.Whats the one beauty product you can't live without? chapstick, because my lips get really chapped; fun fact: G calls lipstick, lip gloss, and chapstick "wax" and he doesn't like them but I wear them anyway because I'm a girl and that is my right.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's so funny when people call frog legs exotic. It's actually fairly common where I'm from in NC, guess it's a redneck thing.


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