
I have never been good at setting goals, so I'm just writing down a list of things I want to do before I die. That way I don't really have a set deadline. (I'm assuming I'll die of something old-age related.)

1. Learn to walk in heels.
2. Fly in an airplane.
3. Catch fireflies.
4. Get a tattoo. (Henna tattoo doesn't count but I finally got one.)
5. Dye my hair a fun color, instead of a normal hair color.
6. Make sushi.
7. Give shoes to someone who doesn't have any.
8. Be able to put on my makeup in 10 minutes or less (without eyeliner).
9. Be a model for a photo shoot.
10. Read at least 5 books a year. (follow my Goodreads)
11. Watch half of the movies off IMDB's top 250 movies list (I've seen 86 so far).
12. Conquer my fear of my sewing machine. (So far I have made a pillow from a T-shirt and learned to sew ruffles.)
13. Get a new camera. (and a remote or something, because 10 second timers make life difficult)
14. Take at least one photo a week (photos specifically taken for blog purposes do not count).
15. Go on a clothing shopping spree.
16. Get a manicure and pedicure.  Jordan's mom took me to get my nails done when she was here, and it was pretty fun but the exfoliating part made me giggle uncontrollably because it really tickled.
17. Actually give my blog a redesign I'm happy with.
18. Occasionally buy items from my Etsy wishlist or from eBay to make jewelry with for my shop.
19. Eat healthy foods for at least six meals a week. (It's really great how much celiac disease pretty much forces me to eat healthier).
20. Be in a mosh pit.
21. Go to Olympic Sculpture Park.
22. Leave the house at least once every day unless I'm really sick.
23. Learn how to use eyeliner.
24. Actually use a planner.
25. Visit a ghost town.
26. Exercise for at least one hour at least three days a week. (hacky sack, walk, yoga, or jog)
27. Start painting on canvasses.
28. Thrift/wear more bright colors.
29. Buy more everyday dresses and skirts.
30. Eat from a food truck.