Tuesday, April 10, 2012

To Put the Spring Back in Our Steps

I've been feeling extra stressed and worried lately, which might be the reason for my nightmare, so I need these as much as I want to share them with you.  Spring is such a wonderful reminder that no matter how hard life gets, it goes on.  And I plan to try my best to thrive just like the spring flowers. (I never claimed to be a philosopher.)

I'm happy that I can wear my "happy shoes" again.
I had my "new" camera die while trying to take the pictures of the birds.  Then my second oldest camera died.  I ended up havng to use my old camera, which somehow isn't inserting the awful color noise anymore (which was the reason I quit using it.)  Even if these pictures don't make my stress go away, they at least put a smile on my face for a little bit, and that's all I can really ask for.


  1. Awesome, love the little birds hanging out in the trees! I'm happy spring is here (even though it's gloomy outside here right now)

  2. There were some pretty hummingbirds out there when my camera was dead but they didn't come back to model for me. But I love the chirping. It's just like a constant reminder that spring is here.

  3. Nice pictures! I love the one of the tree in bloom, it's lovely.

  4. Thanks. The tree in bloom was definitely my favorite, especially since I was so blinded by sun glare that I had to just shoot at random.

  5. Beautiful photos! Doesn't spring just make you feel like the whole universe is opening up? I love it :D

  6. Beautiful photos! Doesn't spring just make you feel like the whole universe is opening up? I love it :D

  7. Yes, it does and I love it. Especially when all of the color comes back into the world. I need color to survive.


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