First of all, I would just like to inform everyone that now that I have discovered how to schedule posts, they won't always be posted on the day that you are reading them. I will be writing things as they pertain to me now. For example, if I say yesterday, I mean the day before I wrote the post, not necessarily the day before you read it. Okay? Good. And another thing, I decided I don't like page breaks. They just make my home page look like a massive wall of text. Now onto the second order of business.
I do not plan to become solely a fashion blogger. In fact, I emphatically refuse to become solely a fashion blogger. I have way to many thoughts in my head to do that, and if I don't share them, my head will likely implode. Nobody wants that to happen. Besides that, my abilities to be a fashion blogger are severly limited, since my camera totally sucks and I don't have a tripod. I took a ton of photos at different angles in a mirror, but I like the headless "look at my outfit and not my wonky facial expression" one best. Also, the flash on my camera didn't like the mirror, so I turned on literally every single light in the apartment for these photos. I also had to unplug my desk lamp and place it at my feet in the living room/dining room/entryway (those are all the same thing) in order to not be all poorly lit. So headless outfit shots will become a common feature on my blog now. Without further ado, here is what I wore today. I included one photo with my head and my wonky expression, just so you could see my hat and jacket.
with coat and hat |
playing with angles |
the headless shot I plan to continue |
closeup of my boots |
The hat was a Christmas gift from my grandma last year. I got the coat from Goodwill last year for $8. The brand is Tulle. I have a different coat, also from Goodwill, that is the same brand and I love them both. The sweater was my Aunt Katy's. She died of cancer a few years ago and when I wear it, I feel like she's giving me a hug. I love it, but G calls it my "grandma sweater". I haven't told him why I like it so much. I just try to wear it when I won't be around him. The belt is from Goodwill. It cost $5 and I wore it to death. It's torn and I'm still wearing it until I buy another. I got these jeans at Sears for $10 on sale. They are my favorites and I wear them constantly, since I only have two pairs of jeans that fit. These are the brown boots I bought from Goodwill last month for $7. I have already worn them enough to get my money's worth. I need to make sure I wear socks with them though, because today I didn't and they rubbed my heels fairly raw. I wear them instead of rain boots, because they're waterproof and I don't own rainboots. I found a similar pair online for $400. I love Goodwill. So this is my debut into fashion blogging, which will be a semi-regular thing from now on.
cute boots!