Tuesday, July 12, 2011


It's been a while since I did a post about going to the Ave, and I went there yesterday, so I'm doing a post about it.  First, I had to wait for the bus.  I snapped these two photos at the bus stop.

Some little kid painted this as her part of the bus stop mural.
I think that it's hilarious, personally.

Stop sign graffiti

After we got to the Ave, we had lunch at University Teriyaki, my favorite restaurant in the entire world.  Then we went to this Japanese imports store and did a lot of window shopping.  Then we went to a used movies/video games/music store and I snapped this picture.

Those are some beautiful guitars. 
The most expensive one was only $119!

After that, we went to the bookstore, where I found this.

This book is hilarious. I would have bought it if it cost less.

Then we went to Goodwill, which was the whole point of the trip.  I needed more summer clothes.  I got a pair of shorts, two(?) dresses (one was short enough I'll probably wear it as a long shirt), and three shirts.  All in all, it was a successful trip.

Then today, I went swimming twice, went on a long walk, then went to the park and tried to learn how to juggle a soccer ball.  I got alright at it, but now I have this ginormous bruise on my knee.  Then I hacky sacked and did some cartwheels.  And now I have ice cream ^.^  So it was a good day, other than the bruise.

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