Thursday, June 21, 2012

Non-Instagram Photos

I mentioned this on Twitter the other day and nobody has murdered me yet, so I thought I'd press my luck by mentioning it on here.  I hate Instagram.  It's not just because my phone is not even remotely capable of having it.  It's because I find the filters annoying and unnecessary, and very overused.  So there you go.  Please don't unfollow me.  I am a huge fan of recording awesome/pretty things in your daily life through photos.  I however, am not a huge fan or even remotely a fan at all, of you taking a picture of every Starbucks beverage you ever have/every pretty baked good you ever eat.  I get it, you like Starbucks and baked goods (especially macarons).  You also have a pet.  That's fantastic that you have a pet, but you don't need to take literally one hundred pictures of it every single day. It's like pictures of a baby; it's only constantly adorable to you and maybe some people who know it personally.  So that's just my two cents. I'm not internet famous so I certainly don't think I can change your personal habits because of my opinions.  With that being said, here are some pictures from my life lately, taken with my real camera.

cute hairstyle I found somewhere on the interwebz and actually managed to copy
just put your hair in a ponytail, separate into two strands, and tie in a knot.
If your hair is really long like mine, you can tie a second knot underneath the first.
Then just secure the ends with pins and your hair will look super fancy.
Huskies/Lakers colored shot thing I made up for G.
Purple gummy butterflies are super manly and sports related.
I still have difficulties with eyeliner, but one day I made spirals instead of cat eyes and it made my whole day more fun.
G and I watched this gorgeous sunset from right outside his apartment the other night.
G's mom is awesome and she got him donuts.  G is awesome and knows how ginormous my sweet tooth is, so he shared them with me : )
altered my dress just slightly by stitching the middle part of the top
down to make a sweetheart neckline; it looks so much better on me now
new shoes which, thanks to Payless' Buy One Get One Free sale, only cost me about $15 each

fresh strawberries and cilantro are colors that just look so pretty together