Friday, September 21, 2012

Date Night

Date Night

G and I don't really have date nights. We have hangout nights and date weekends.  But if we did have a date night, I would want to wear an outfit like this.  Not that I have anything like this, except for black jeans, which are actually too big around but I'm wearing them with a belt right now anyway.  It's laundry day.  I really do want a top like this though.  I love it.  And earrings like those, even though stud earrings tend to irritate my ears.  That's why I haven't worn my adorable bunny earrings in a while.  Or my husky earrings.  I'm rambling.  Um, yay weekend!


  1. I have the opposite problem, I LOVE chunky/dangle-y earrings but they irritate my ears. Studs/small ones are the only kind I can wear for long amounts of time.

  2. I never dress up for date night. Maybe on valentines day or a nice restaurant but otherwise I'm usually wearing jeans.


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