I helped Jordan dye his hair black the other day so I went ahead and dyed my hair too. I haven't dyed it in awhile and I really like it. I've been practicing my makeup skills too, after wearing none since last Halloween. I think I finally figured out eyeliner! And my hair is super amazingly soft thanks to Infusium23 moisture replenisher smoothing creme, which I received for free from Influenster. I usually don't put products in my hair, but this stuff is pretty much the equivalent of lotion for hair so it's super easy to use and I love it!
Aside from dying my hair I've been pretty busy. I met Jordan's parents for the first time and they were awesome and they liked me :) And then the last day they were in Seattle I woke up sick and stayed sick through yesterday, which was awful. So I missed a lot of work and I found out that I won't be able to get a gastroenterologist appointment until October at the earliest. Jordan got a new job and he's super happy with it, and we're taking a teeny trip to see my parents for four days next month. Aside from that I've been making lots of jewelry and getting pretty behind on listing it in my shop, whoops. And I'm only going to be working two days a week next month so I've got to step up my jewelry game with farmers markets and pop-up shops, plus doing some more consignments. Luckily for me Jordan got his new job right before my hours are getting reduced so there's no worry of starving or being homeless, which is always nice. How have all of you been doing? I haven't really blogged in so long, but I have so many things to share with you guys.