Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Shop and Blog of the Month: Darling Paracord

My blog of the month is Darling Stewie.  Like most of my Blog of the Months (no, not Blogs of the Month; I make the rules here!), I just discovered her blog recently and I love it.  Darling Stewie is an awesome geek girl and you should read her blog.

See, her awesomeness basically speaks for itself.  Just look at those Death;y Hallows earrings.

My shop of the month is Legion's Paracord.  It is a jewelry shop that sells cool jewelry for men and women.  I like the fact that he makes such original stuff, and so do his customers.  He just barely squeaked in under the under 50 sales mark.  He makes a lot of paracord bracelets and also lots of cool women's fashion jewelry.  Plus  since I last checked out the shop, he's started making jeweled tarantulas, which are pretty cool looking.

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